Open House Week

What a week! Check out the highlights and takeaways.

On Monday 20th September we at Better Space opened our doors and invited local changemakers, purpose pioneers and impactful innovators to join our community and get to work at one of our desks for a week of free coworking.

It was awesome!

We saw:

The week was planned as a celebration and showcase of how Better Space is the place to be for purpose driven people and businesses to connect and collaborate. It was great to see this all happening across the different spaces, over activities, at the coffee machine and of course around the water (zip tap) cooler!

If you weren’t able to join us, here are some of our best bits:

Linkedin – Our helpful neighbours LinkedIn shared top tips on how to build your profile and network on the platform. Be sure to keep your profile up to date, use your authentic voice when sharing content and create opportunities for reciprocity by engaging with others in relevant areas to your work. Get in touch for more materials and resources, kindly shared with us.

Clore Social Leadership Angharad from Clore shared some useful insights into Leadership style self awareness and gave us the opportunity to do a self-assessment questionnaire. There were some interesting discussions about diverse leadership teams and the need to maintain authenticity, resilience and awareness to get the most out of your team.

Head Held High This session was Edutainment at its finest (and funniest)! We learnt how there is a lot that can be taken from stand up comedy and improv when it comes to starting businesses. In pairs we did an ‘anger rant’ exercise to understand our authentic voice and rediscover our passion; especially useful to entrepreneurs needing a boost in resilience or motivation. Our members were also able to develop storytelling techniques using the rule of 3 which is great for marketing and relationship building. Thanks Tash!

Club Soda This session provided an excellent and important reminder on how to connect and socialise with others at work in an inclusive way. 1 in 5 people do not drink alcohol, so in order to build diverse and inclusive teams, we need to plan social activities that do not centre around drinking alcohol - and instead provide thoughtful alternatives! Colleagues who are friends get the best work done, so be sure to plan activities in advance and check out all the great non-alcoholic alternatives there are for socialising.
*Club Soda are running a Global Mindful Drinking Festival which starts tomorrow, 1st October 2021! Check it out here.

Thank you to everyone that joined us through the week and huge high fives to our fantastic contributors and suppliers that made it so special. We loved having you in the place and genuinely made it a Better Space!

So, get your profile up to date, keep being authentic, try pushing yourself to be more creative when networking and get the next round in Alcohol Free!


Spotlight on: Tutors United


Spotlight On: BuddyHub